The summer of 2009 has been a wonderful passing. These two Russell's have become best of friends. It's quite common now to see them snuggled together engaging in one of Chaps favorite activities of grooming Pea by licking the inside of her ears for what seems like hours at a time. She really seems to enjoy it as her eyes close and she relaxes her head as if a wonderful massage is taking place as she slowly falls to sleep.
They've often found themselves caught up in the pack of Jennifer and John's four hounds as they drop by the house for a romp in our backyard. There's an occasional spat as these little dogs seem to have the little man's complex of over compensating with the need to show dominance in lieu of their height. Daisy, a larger bird dog often jumps in and interrupts the game of chase just to keep things from getting out of hand. It's not all the Russells, it's the Basenji and the Westie, they seem to find ways to get in each others face. And it's now the rarer than the common as the summer draws on, for spats and tisses to arise.
While playing in our back yard last week Rocket, the Westie was having so much fun with this little blue rubber ball. He'd dug a hole large enough to hold his body and was wallowing round in the dirt with the ball. We'd filled a large tub with water for the dogs to take ease from the heat and Rocket seemed to enjoy the tub the most. It was comical to watch as he dropped the ball into the tub and then jumped right in and splashed about as he bobbed for the little blue ball. Back and forth he traversed between the mud hole and tub, at times he was soaked from head to toe and looked like a chocolate covered doggie.
To the side of my yard and just before my fence is a patch of shrubs that unfortunately have become overgrown. JD and Larry, Johns dad and uncle named this place the clubhouse as the dogs often congregate there. When all gets quiet and none to be seen, you can bet they are playing games in the clubhouse. We've enjoyed watching them as they play games of chase, Taco is always in the lead. The visual of the Basenji running is so effortless yet so quick, he reminds me of the comical Pepe Le Pew as he pursues his true loves escape. His head is erect and looking around and his chest is pushed forward and all of his legs appear straight, as if he's just standing there looking around. But instead of standing, he's flying around the yard with all of the others gasping with their tongues flailing about, barking and cutting corners to try to get close.

OH THANK YOU SO MUCH Tim for continuing your blog! I've missed reading your descriptive narratives. This captures the wonderful essence of summer at your home and is so visual in my mind I feel like I'm there observing all the antics of your dog world. Bonnie