I am very excited about Christmas! I hear Santa loves all living things and many of them receive gifts just like their companions. I’m hoping to get a bone and it’d be really great to get a ball or a chew toy. But I don’t want to be too greedy as I have my friend Sweet Pea to share with and then there are so many doggies that need help. Our family will help the GA Jack Russell Terrier Rescue this Christmas so many of orphaned Jack Russells can have an opportunity to live happy lives with a family. My dad says it’s important that we learn to appreciate both sides of the spirit of the holiday which is that it is better to give than to receive.
Sweet Pea says that she’s already received the best gift of her life which is our new family. I really hadn’t thought about it until she brought it up but it makes sense to me. I’m really happy too… it’s not like being at home with our mommy and spending the special time she gave me but travelling to other places is exciting and you wouldn’t believe the fun that I had this summer… and then there’s the pack of doggies that I get to play with… and I’ve got a best friend Pea that keeps me busy and warms me at night. There’s so much here to be thankful for that, now that I think about it, I really don’t need anything else.
Don’t worry so much about the shoes thing… I think she meant that someday in your life, you’ll be wearing shoes just like mine. Our gift from mommy is not only to provide us with a healthy and balanced start in life but to help us develop the confidence in ourselves so that when our time comes, we’ll be the most wonderful companions to our keepers. I just love to clown around and make others happy while Sweet Pea spends her time providing comfort. Everybody is different so you’ll find your shoes as you grow older.
Tell mommy that I think that she’s the greatest mommy ever! I see that our kindred travel all over the world making people happy. I’m glad that I didn’t have to travel too far away because I know I’ll have the opportunity see her again and play in the backyard and be her little clown. Give mommy a big kiss for me and lots of warm snuggly hugs.
Merry Christmas !!!
Edison’s Chap by Foxwarren Design
PS: I think I'll call you Eddie until you receive your real name. I like Eddie because it is our grandfathers name and our mum Talahassee's dad. He's a very good man and has cared for our clan for many years. And Eddie sounds like a good little brothers name. Merry Christmas Eddie!!
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